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Green Ponds: B.E.S.T. Plants for Ponds Tips on Buying Plants Planting Plants BEST Plants Hardy vs. Tropical, Annual vs. Tropical Hardy Emergent Marginals – Blooming Hardy Emergent Marginals – Non-Blooming Trees & Schrubs for the Pond Surface Floating Plants Tropical Plants Bog Plants Submerged Plants Waterlilies Lotus Plants for Shade |
Above-Ground Water Gardens Why An Above-Ground Pond? Why Not? If I Had It To Do Again…. Your Goal…. Can You Achieve That Goal? Advantages of Pre-Made Kits Disadvantages of Kits Copy An Idea Pre-Formed Ponds Step-by-Step Samples Let’s Build a Pond |
Introduction to Water Gardening (Water Gardening 101) Samples of all shapes, sizes and designs of water gardens Water GardeningTerminology Options – Freeformed, pre-formed, containers, fountains Containers & Fountains Plants for Water Gardens Wildlife In and Around the Pond Water Conservation & Water Gardening |
Container Water Gardens & Fountains Designs for Water Features are Endless Can be used to: - Provide Accent, Formalize an Area, Add Atmosphere, Define a Space, Direct Traffic Determine The Purpose – Select Colors, Purchase Materials Not All Pots Are Equal – Dark Pots Heat More, Large Pots Have Fewer Temperature Swings, Wider Pots Hold More Plants, Some Have Holes, Sealing Holes, Sealing Terra Cotta Pots Planning A Design – Focal Point, Placement, Set-Up, Planting Plants for the Container Water Garden Care Disappearing Fountains |
Ponds & Conservation (Drought & Ponds: Conservation Tips for the Pond Owner) Oxymorons – Xeric Pondscape, Pond Plants for Drought, Water Saving Tips for Ponds Pond Critters Enhance Your Health The Water Cycle How To Choose Plants Wind & Evaporation Conservation Around the Pond Prevent Water Loss in the Pond Supplemental Oxygen for Fish Smart Pond Design |